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Brain Food: Commissioning 101

Tuesday, June 15, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

This course defines the Commissioning process, its benefits, and its applications. It will also inform the audience on the basics of developing a commissioning scope that is suitable for a given project as well as how to solicit and select the right commissioning provider. The presentation closes with a best practices message by exploring lessons learned from the execution of effective commissioning processes.

Approved for 1 AIA LU


Laura Ludwig, PE, QCxP 

Principal / Senior Commissioning Authority 

Laura leads the commissioning efforts for SSRCx’s Midwest Region. She is a Principal and has an extensive background in mechanical engineering with over 30 years of facilities and process design, project management, and testing experience.  Laura has experience in the areas of specifications development, procurement, capital construction project management, and maintenance operations.     

Laura has over 23 years of experience providing commissioning and qualifications testing of mechanical and plumbing systems. Additional to her experiences with new construction commissioning, she has experience in energy performance contracting, development and execution of energy conservation measures, and retro-commissioning.  

Mark Smith, CMC, CxA, CEM, BCxP 
Commissioning Business Development Principal 

Working in business development, one of Mark’s primary objectives is the delivery of client satisfaction in support of our client’s building objectives. He is a State of Florida Certified Mechanical Contractor and has 30 years of experience in HVAC systems and equipment application, evaluation, and maintenance.