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COAA-FL Spring 2025 Workshop

The Florida chapter returns to greater Orlando!

Friday, March 28, 2025
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

NOTE:  We are nearing venue capacity, so the few remaining tickets will be sold only to Owners as of March 14.

The Florida chapter of COAA will gather in Lake Nona on March 28 for an event that allows Owners from all sectors to borrow and learn from their higher education and healthcare peers.  The program will include a case study of the in-progress UCF College of Nursing and a panel discussion featuring healthcare Owners discussing ideas their non-healthcare peers might consider to continuously improve the project delivery process and experience.

In support of the COAA Cares initiative, attendees will help support Nemours Children’s Health by assembling “World Art Day” kits for patients at the Nemours hospital in Lake Nona.  Kit components will be generously donated by Turner Construction.

Stick around after the workshop for a guided tour of the UCF College of Nursing project!

Alice Arguelles
Alice Arguelles Project Manager III University of Central Florida
Gabriel Auffant
Gabriel Auffant Client Leader DLR Group (Orlando, FL)
David Aviles
David Aviles Project Executive R. C. Stevens Construction Company
Suzanne Barnes
Suzanne Barnes Director Client Services Spiezle Architectural Group (FL)
Kohnen Barry
Kohnen Barry TLC Engineering Solutions (Orlando)
Tamera Baughman
Tamera Baughman Project Manager University of Florida Planning, Design and Construction
Justin Berry
Justin Berry Senior Project Manager The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company (Tampa, FL)
Larry Blackburn
Larry Blackburn VP - Florida Healthcare Director Turner Construction Company (Tampa, FL)
Amy Bolton
Amy Bolton Business Development Manager Walter P Moore (Orlando)
Missy Boyer
Missy Boyer Director of Marketing NV5
Robert Brown
Robert Brown Project Manager II University of Central Florida
Zach Brown
Zach Brown IMEG (FL)
Arnulfo Castillo AIA LEED
Arnulfo Castillo AIA LEED Corporate Director, Planning & Design Orlando Health
Michelle Chandler
Michelle Chandler Partner Schenkel Shultz
Brooke Chea
Brooke Chea Project Manager HuntonBrady Architects
John Chyz
John Chyz Director Affiliated Engineers (FL)
James Cleary
James Cleary Senior Project Manager, Facilities Seminole State College
Jay Cochran
Jay Cochran Project Manager The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company (Orlando, FL)
Angel Colon
Angel Colon Operations Manager Robins & Morton (Orlando)
Michael Compton
Michael Compton Director of Healthcare Florida Barge Design Solutions, Inc.
Tony Connery
Tony Connery Area Manager The Garland Company (FL)
Ben Davis
Ben Davis Assistant VP, Planning, Design & Construction University of Central Florida
Angela Ditmore
Angela Ditmore account manager Shaw Contract
Cyndee Dornblaser
Cyndee Dornblaser Sr. Business Development Heapy Engineering
Lisa Dorr
Lisa Dorr Owner / Chief Connecting Officer UpLift Creative Strategies, LLC
David Edgar
David Edgar Project Manager III University of Central Florida
Miriah Ekus
Miriah Ekus Business Development Kimley-Horn
Bryan Emde
Bryan Emde Exec Director - Office of Design & Construction AdventHealth
Mark Fernung
Mark Fernung Operations Manager Robins & Morton (Orlando)
Mimi Flatley
Mimi Flatley Community & Citizenship Manager Turner Construction Company (Orlando, FL)
Scott Fryer
Scott Fryer The Garland Company (FL)
Scott Fundling
Scott Fundling Design Principal Little Diversified
Tahmina Gaffar
Tahmina Gaffar QA/QC Project Manager University of Central Florida
Lauren Gahan
Lauren Gahan Business Development & Marketing Coordinator SGM Engineering
Brian Gettinger
Brian Gettinger Vice President of Business Development Glydways
Liz Harner
Liz Harner Strategic Solutions Manager OnIndus
Melanie Heflin
Melanie Heflin Project Manager University of Florida Planning, Design and Construction
Pamela Heslep
Pamela Heslep Planner II University of Central Florida
Susan Hutson
Susan Hutson Manager, Campus Planning University of Central Florida
Chase Jicha
Chase Jicha Manager, Audit University of Central Florida
Nicole Johnson
Nicole Johnson Service Line Manager MBP (FL)
Jason Kracunas
Jason Kracunas Pirtle Construction (Davie, FL)
Dori Landry
Dori Landry Director of Client Relations Ayers Saint Gross, Inc.
Ivette Lemons
Ivette Lemons VP of Orlando Market CI Group
David Lewis
David Lewis Charles Perry Partners, Inc. (Oviedo, FL)
Dan Littmann
Dan Littmann Project Manager Turner Construction Company (Orlando, FL)
Loren Luedeman
Loren Luedeman Project Executive Barton Malow (Orlando, FL)
Jay Malcolm
Jay Malcolm Project Portfolio Manager University of Central Florida
Bill Martin
Bill Martin University Architect University of Central Florida
Samantha Ann Mason
Samantha Ann Mason Project Manager II University of Central Florida
Allen Masters
Allen Masters Associate VP, Facilities Services Daytona State College
Jeff McPhaul
Jeff McPhaul Project Manager The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. (Jacksonville, FL)
Andreina Mendez
Andreina Mendez Project Portfolio Manager University of Central Florida
James Miller
James Miller Associate Director, Facilities Strategic Planner Seminole State College
Brenna Milne
Brenna Milne Senior Interior Designer DLR Group
Gregory Minenna
Gregory Minenna Project Manager II University of Central Florida
Ryan Minton
Ryan Minton DPR (Orlando)
Vinnie Moreschi
Vinnie Moreschi Executive Vice President | Principal Charles Perry Partners, Inc. (Gainesville, FL)
Loryn Nash
Loryn Nash Business Development Manager LANGAN (FL)
Erik Negron
Erik Negron Business Development Manager Victaulic
Lacey Nelson
Lacey Nelson Business Development DPR (Orlando)
Ashley Oelrich Barnes
Ashley Oelrich Barnes Business Development Manager Oelrich Construction, Inc
Bradley Pascarella
Bradley Pascarella Director of Commercial Division Matern Professional Engineering, Inc.
Christopher Patterson
Christopher Patterson Principal, Science + Technology Practice Leader HOK (FL)
Corie Patton
Corie Patton VP | Healthcare Development Charles Perry Partners, Inc. (Gainesville, FL)
Lindsey Piant Perez
Lindsey Piant Perez Design Principal Little Diversified Architectural Consulting
Shuvam Pochi
Shuvam Pochi Mechanical Engineer Heapy Engineering
Austin Podurgiel
Austin Podurgiel Matern Professional Engineering, Inc.
Dawn Proffitt
Dawn Proffitt Business Development Harris Civil Engineers
Richard Rodriguez
Richard Rodriguez Pirtle Construction (Davie, FL)
Kristin Ross
Kristin Ross Business Development Manager Turner Construction Company
Cheryl Saale
Cheryl Saale Vice President Barge Design Solutions, Inc.
Michael Scruggs
Michael Scruggs Director, IT Projects and Assessments University of Central Florida
Gina Seabrook
Gina Seabrook Construction Project Coordinator University of Central Florida
Robin Seibert
Robin Seibert Market Area Leader GRAEF
Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith Division AVP of Facility Management Services HCA Healthcare
Jennifer Stickler
Jennifer Stickler Kimley-Horn (Orlando)
Scott Suto
Scott Suto Project Manager II University of Central Florida
Matthew Tanous
Matthew Tanous Project Manager Gale Associates
David Thayer
David Thayer Sr. Project Manager Kimley-Horn (Orlando)
DJ Thomas
DJ Thomas Project Manager I University of Central Florida
Joanne Toole
Joanne Toole Project Manager II University of Central Florida
Ricardo Walker
Ricardo Walker Mechanical Project Manager TLC Engineering Solutions (Orlando)
Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh Velocity Advisory Group
Thomas Wannen
Thomas Wannen Associate Principal HuntonBrady Architects
Robert Wapole
Robert Wapole NV5
Paul Weatherly
Paul Weatherly Project Manager III University of Central Florida
John Weaver
John Weaver Charles Perry Partners, Inc. (Oviedo, FL)
Mandy Weitknecht
Mandy Weitknecht Vice President, Business Development Skanska USA Building Inc. (Tampa, FL)
Laura White
Laura White Architect Ayers Saint Gross, Inc.
Johnathan Wilkes
Johnathan Wilkes VP Project Development Scorpio
Maria Yebra-Teimouri
Maria Yebra-Teimouri Project Manager I University of Central Florida