Demystifying the Information Exchange Process
Event Details
Demystifying the Information Exchange Process
There IS a better way than someone spending months manually entering key building & equipment information for long-term operations & maintenance. Learn why a digital turnover of building assets at the end of construction can be hugely beneficial for the Owner, with minimal effort for the design and construction teams. TJ will discuss what a data deliverable should include and how to ensure a successful information exchange. Whether you are using COBie or your own standard, discover tips and best practices for generating, reviewing, and delivering asset data. Come with your own stories – good or bad – of a digital handover process!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what a data deliverable of building assets entails
- Learn why it is so valuable to building owners
- Discover different standards for a data deliverable, including COBie
- Analyze tips and best practices
Meet the Presenter
TJ Meehan
As an expert and thought leader in the AEC industry around BIM (Building Information Modeling) and FM (Facilities Management), T.J. assists architects, engineers, contractors, and building owners with successfully implementing technologies related to design, build, and operate. After receiving an architectural degree, T.J. began his career by working in several architectural firms across the U.S. where he gained experience on both commercial and residential projects. Transitioning from the design-side of the industry, he has now become a recognized expert on the technology-side, working for one of the nation's most successful Autodesk Partners as their Vice President of Technology Solutions. He is an Autodesk Implementation Certified Expert and has presented at over fifty industry events. A registered architect and LEED-accredited professional, T.J. leverages his skills to help organizations successfully train and implement BIM and FM solutions.