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Albert E. Philips Scholarship Fund

Al Phillips Scholarship Fund

Education is COAA’s core mission, so it makes sense that we’d support the education of future industry leaders.  The Albert E. Phillips Scholarship honors COAA’s founder by awarding up to two $3,000 scholarships annually to college students pursuing a career in the design and construction industry.


While the program is sometimes supported by sponsors, we need your help to sustain this program.  Your donation will support both deserving students and the industry itself, while also allowing scholarship winners the opportunity to attend a COAA Connect national conference.


Any amount is welcomed and appreciated.


COAA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, not a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Any contribution toward the COAA Connection Fund| Al Phillips Scholarship fund is NOT tax-deductible as a charitable donation.

Please provide Name and Email address for donation contact.