Show Off ‘The COAA Way’ in Action!

Education, Membership, The COAA Way,

Illustrating The COAA Way can be tough since it’s both a tangible and intangible concept.  How do you take a picture of fairness, culture, or trust?

It’s sort of some other things in life – you’ll know it when you see or experience it!  And when you do, we’re asking that you pause and share so we can build a collection of The COAA Way examples.

Here’s a candle-lighting example from an unnamed Owner member … a heartfelt letter from the Owner’s project manager to a team struggling to regain momentum and a positive outlook.  Fantastic stuff and exactly the sort of humble and people-centric approach to problem-solving that a “good Owner” would espouse.

Maybe it’s something as simple as a contract clause reworded to be more fair … or a process improvement that speeds up the process of paying service-providers … or a project team health survey.


Send your examples of The COAA Way in action to COAA’s Executive Director, Howie Ferguson.