Brain Food: Dos and Don’ts of Design Assist

Education, Membership,

This course will feature an interactive discussion of the design-assist process for large-scale construction projects. It will cover the unique aspects of the design-assist process including distinction from other delivery methods, the roles of each team member, and specific tools and processes. Two specific project case studies will be reviewed to assist the participant in understanding the benefits and lessons learned from previous experiences. 

  • Understand the definition and context of Design-Assist within the various project delivery forms and contracts and the distinction from construction contracts.
  • Identify and understand the integrated roles and responsibilities of the engineering team, construction manager, architect, and trade contractors to enable lean, high-quality Design Assist Delivery.
  • Understand trade contractor engagement process, how to set expectations regarding budget management, design integration, and managing changes.
  • Identify specific tools and processes applied in Design-Assist Delivery.